Thursday, August 6, 2015

What Does It Mean When A Dog Starts Shaking

Sometimes small dogs shake for no apparent reason at all.

A dog experiences tremors when it shakes in a rhythmic, to and fro movement while awake. True tremors don't occur during sleep. The reasons a dog has tremors can range from simply being cold to something serious, such as disease.

Cold or Pain

A dog may shake when it is cold, in which case the "cure" would simply be to keep it warm. However, it may also shake when it is experiencing pain, which is often the case if there is a disc or spinal injury. Pain relievers may help to alleviate the dog's discomfort.

Disease or Infection

Neurological, muscular and skeletal problems may also cause a dog's tremors due to loss of control over its nervous system and muscles. A canine may also tremble if it is experiencing discomfort from an affliction such as ear mites or an allergy, reports Dog Symptoms Cure.

Small Dog Shaker Syndrome

Small dogs will sometimes shake for no apparent reason. This is known as "shaker syndrome." This usually occurs in small white dogs, and veterinarians so far cannot find a reason for it, according to Vetinfo. This condition is sometimes treatable with medication or therapy.

Tags: apparent reason, shake apparent, shake apparent reason, shake when