Monday, March 2, 2015

Pass A Home Study

A home study helps authorities make sure your home is ready for whatever is coming.

There are several reasons you might need to pass a home study. If you are trying to adopt a child, or even if you want to adopt an animal from certain animal rescue organizations, a home study helps those in charge determine whether or not you'll be a good home. You might also need to pass a home study if you are working with the department of corrections, or the child welfare department in your area. Regardless of the reasons you need to pass a home study, there are several ways to make sure that you do.


1. Read the regulations for the home study carefully. If someone is doing a home study on you or your home, they will first provide you with a list of things that your home must have to qualify. For instance, you might need room for the child you are adopting, and a clean environment. If you are adopting an animal, you might need a fenced-in yard or a puppy-proof home. If the child protective services department is doing a home study, they will likely have specific items that you are required to have in your home, or perhaps items that you must remove from your home.

2. Comply with any and all items on the list from the department doing the home study. Do not think that only doing a few will allow you to pass. To pass your home study, you must comply with all of the items. Place all medications in your home in a locked cabinet, use electrical safety plugs and install door locks that are not accessible by children or pets. Other details you may need to comply with could include anything from having a working and updated furnace to installing carbon monoxide detectors in the bedroom.

3. Make any changes that you have been specifically asked to make to ensure that you pass the home study. These changes might include getting rid of pets or cleaning your home completely, changing the arrangement of furniture, getting rid of dangerous chemicals or replacing windows or doors to create a safer environment. Other aspects you might need to change could include removing dangerous people from your home or even moving to a new or safer environment.

4. Be present when the home study occurs and be prepared to answer any questions truthfully and defend yourself, your family and your home to the person conducting the home study. All household members should be present, including children, and each needs to be prepared to answer questions.

Tags: home study, your home, might need, pass home, doing home