Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Search For An Adopted Child

Once you've made the decision to search for an adopted child, knowing where to start can seem overwhelming. An organized approach and a support group can ease the stress and anticipation involved with such a search.


1. Gather the facts about the adoption, such as the adoption date, hospital where the child was born, attending physician and the organization and court that handled the adoption. If you are not sure of some of the details, ask family members for help.

2. Contact the state or county where the adoption was finalized. Ask for non-identifying information about the child. Send a letter stating you would like to be contacted if your child searches for you.

3. Register with adoption reunion registries. The oldest and largest is the International Soundex Reunion Registry. Registration is free, but the registry is not available online. There are many other registries that group database information by year or location. An online search will direct you to some of these sites.

4. Join an adoption support group in your area or established online. In addition to finding emotional support, you can learn about methods other people have used to search for children.

5. Ask the county or state where the adoption was finalized about Confidential Intermediary assistance. Some courts have search and consent systems. There will probably be a fee for this service.

6. Hire a private detective, if funds allow. A detective's services can be very expensive, so you may want to try other less costly alternatives first.

Tags: adoption finalized, support group, where adoption, where adoption finalized