Thursday, February 26, 2015

Find A Complimentary Vacation Timeshare Getaway And What To Expect

Free vacations come with a price, namely a sales pitch.

Life is hectic. That's why people like to relax once in a while by taking vacations. Though people usually have to shell out their hard-earned cash to have a nice getaway, they can actually visit a nice resort for free if they are willing to sit through a timeshare sales pitch.


Before You Go

1. Think about where you want to spend your vacation.

2. Use your favorite search engine to look for "free timeshare vacations" near your ideal vacation spot.

3. Review the offers you find online. Print out a copy of the offers and then read them again. Make sure you read the fine print because most offers are subject to certain terms and conditions such as age and income requirements.

4. Contact the advertiser of the timeshare resort you are most interested in visiting and book your stay.

5. Confirm your dates and arrival times. Make arrangements to travel to the resort.

6. Travel to the resort.

What to Expect After Arrival

7. Prepare ahead for the sales pitch. Timeshare salesmen are salesmen. They are trying to get you to buy a timeshare. That's why they are giving you a "free" vacation. Before you attend the sales pitch, think about whether or not you would actually be interested in a timeshare or if you can afford one.

8. Research on your own if you think you might be interested in buying a timeshare.

9. Attend the timeshare seminar and listen to the sales pitch. This is mandatory if you want your freebies. Clarify the terms and conditions, the rules and regulations and learn about their cancellation terms.

10. Don't agree to buy the timeshare at the sales presentation, even if you are interested. Sleep on it and enjoy your mini-vacation.

11. Do not rely on the information you received during the sales meeting. Consult past buyers and read reviews. Get an attorney to read and verify the contract or deed that you will be signing if you are interested in purchasing a timeshare after your vacation. You have the right to be meticulous about your investment.

Tags: sales pitch, terms conditions, timeshare sales, What Expect, your vacation