Thursday, February 19, 2015

Raise Money To Adopt A Child

Adopting a child can be an expensive task to accomplish.

Adoption can be an exciting and rewarding experience--until you're bombarded with the high costs involved with adopting a child. According to the Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute, adoption can cost anywhere from $2,500 to $25,000, depending on the type of adoption you're considering. Becoming knowledgeable about the different ways to raise money for adoption is a must if you want your dream of adopting a child to become a reality.


1. Check to see if your place of employment offers financial reimbursement for adopting. According to the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, hundreds of employers of every size and industry offer adoption benefits to employees.

2. Hold a garage sale or bake sale. Go through your personal belongings and weed out all items you don't use or are willing to part with. Ask your friends, family members and community of peers for garage sale and bake sale item donations. Broadcast your sale (or sales) with fliers and by word of mouth.

3. Ask for financial donations from friends, family members and any religious organizations you're involved with. Create informative brochures or fliers detailing your adoption journey and need for financial assistance and give them to as many people as possible in your community.

4. Start and operate a blog detailing your adoption journey. You can raise money with a blog by asking for financial donations, placing advertising on your blog and by writing sponsored posts. Open a free blog account with websites like Blogger, WordPress or LiveJournal and start blogging.

Tags: adoption journey, bake sale, detailing your, detailing your adoption, family members, financial donations