Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Train A Blind Dog

Training your blind dog will give her confidence and help alleviate depression, dependency and fear. Proper training will also make it easier, and safer, for your blind dog to participate in everyday activities with you.


Teaching the "Sit" and "Down" Commands

1. Give the command "Sit."

2. Place a tasty-smelling food treat right next to your dog's nose and mouth at the same time.

3. Keep the food treat close to your dog's nose and slowly take the treat up and over its head. Doing this will lead your dog into a sit.

4. Say "Yes" the instant your dog sits, and give her a food treat and praise.

5. Start your "Down" command by first giving your dog the "Sit" command.

6. Hold a food treat close to your pet's nose, then give the command "Down."

7. Take the treat slowly down to the ground between your dog's legs. This should lead your dog into the down position.

8. Say "Yes" when the trick is accomplished, and give your dog treats and praise.

Teaching the "Slow" Command

9. Use this command to alert your dog that she's about to bump into something.

10. Put your dog on a leash.

11. Apply gentle pressure to the leash (avoid jerking) when your dog begins to walk.

12. Give the command "Slo-o-w" or "E-e-easy" at the same time.

13. Say "Yes" to your dog the instant she slows down.

14. Give your dog a food treat and lots of praise.

Teaching the "Wait" Command

15. Use this command if your dog is in a dangerous situation, such as when you encounter terrain changes during a walk, or when you open the front door to go out, cross a street, or get out of your car.

16. Put your dog on a leash.

17.Give the command "Wait" ("Wa-a-ait") while applying steady and gentle pressure on the leash until the dog stops.

18. Say "Yes" when your pet stops, and give a food treat and praise.

19. Release your dog from this command before allowing her to move on. To do this, use the command "OK" in a bright, reassuring tone.

Tags: food treat, this command, your nose, close your, close your nose, Command this, Command this command