Friday, September 11, 2015

Chipmunks Or Squirrels Found In Kansas

A squirrel clings to a tree on its way down.

Squirrels and chipmunks are commonly confused with one another. Both belong to the squirrel family, and while chipmunks are generally larger than ground squirrels, they are smaller than tree squirrels. Kansas is home to the eastern chipmunk and six squirrel species.

Eastern Chipmunk

The eastern chipmunk is characterized by black stripes on the face, a flat tail with black hair on top, five black stripes along the back and sides, a whitish belly and reddish extremities. Mostly found today in residential areas, the eastern chipmunk naturally inhabits oak and hickory forests and lives underground.

Southern Flying Squirrel

The southern flying squirrel has a flat, puffy tail that accounts for half its length of 9 inches as an adult. It has relatively large eyes bordered by black fur. While it does not actually fly, the southern flying squirrel has highly distinguishable membranes connecting front and hind legs at the ankles that allow it to glide through the air.

Gray Squirrel

The gray squirrel is named for its uniform colored back. Its tail has a white tip and the head and sides are a yellowish brown. Gray squirrels are avid breeders and populate urban areas. Adults can reach 20 inches in length.

Fox Squirrel

The fox squirrel is reddish in color and can grow to over 2 feel in length. It is a tree dweller and lives only in heavily wooded areas. Like other squirrel species, nuts are the primary food of fox squirrels.

Other Ground Squirrel Species Found in Kansas

Thirteen-lined and spotted ground squirrels are very small, often under 8 inches long as adults. These squirrel species found in rural areas and are named respectively for distinguishing marks on their backs. Franklin's ground squirrel is a slightly larger underground inhabitant that sporadically populates the Kansas prairie.

Tags: squirrel species, black stripes, eastern chipmunk, flying squirrel, Found Kansas, ground squirrels