Monday, December 29, 2014

"Dogz Fashion" Cheats For Gba

Unlock a black dachshund with Gameshark cheats

In the Game Boy Advance (GBA) game, "Dogz Fashion," players raise, play and dress dogs in multiple outfits. The game has no built-in cheat codes, but players can use the Game Boy Advance Gameshark software to enter cheat codes and unlock a lot of extras, like puppy breeds, money and toys.

Master Code

Insert the Gameshark cartridge and load the "Game List." Scroll down to the "Dogz Fashion" entry and press "B" to access the "Master Code." Type in "9107718287AD

1BA1AE0B9D1A-9A656FE51E27" for the "Master Code." This code must be on to activate all the cheats in the game.

Dog Breeds

Unlock various dog breeds with cheat codes. Use "31102293FA10" for a dachshund. Enter "3094A317783C" for a corgi. Use "B11062FBFA12" for a terrier. The cheat "B114E27BF836" unlocks poodles. Enter "3114A213F834" for a chihuahua. Make your dog male with "B09063FFF818." Make the dog female with "B094E37FFA3C."


A large part of the game is the clothing selection and you can unlock everything with various cheats. Unlock every shirt with "444C8315FE21-66789B1CF803." Unlock every hat with "9C14C36DBA31-E7F8DA70F80B." Use "14548315FA21-E7FC5AF0F82F" to unlock all the tank tops. Enter "CC0CC36DBE31-66789B1CF803" to unlock every collar. Open all the bandannas with the cheat "C1CDF278FE29-66789B1CF803."

Dog Items

Start off with $9,999 with the cheat "1835AF441B3B." Unlock all the food items with "95D4C279FF29-E7FC5AF0F82F." Receive the maximum love level with "BF7358EAB9C0." Use all the tricks with the cheat "39D02283330A." Receive all the special items with the cheat codes "91D5F278FA29-66789B1CF803."

Tags: with cheat, cheat codes, Dogz Fashion, Master Code, Game Advance