Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Highway Driving Games

Highway driving games can help pass the time during family vacations.

Long road trips can often involve a lot of highway driving that your children may find boring. But there are many driving games you can play on the highway that will help your family pass the time. This can often make a road trip more enjoyable and feel as though you have reached your final destination much faster.

Video Games

Many children already have portable video games such as a Nintendo Gameboy or Sony PSP. But, if your children do not, try downloading some games on your smart phone or iPod touch. There are thousands of games, in a variety of genres, to choose from. Plus, you can download more games at your next pit stop if you get bored of the ones you already have.

License Plate States

Another popular highway driving game involves identifying which state other cars on the road are from. This can be accomplished by looking at the state name on each car's license plate. Print a list of the fifty states and keep track of how many different states each child can find on license plates. You can even make it a competition by having one sheet per person or teams of two.

Scavenger Hunt

Give each child a list of different items to look for while driving on the highway. Tell them to call out each item they see and then mark it off on the sheet. The list of items could include pretty much anything. Some popular items include different color cars, different types of cars, different types of buildings or even different types of animals. Make the list based on what part of the country you are currently driving through.

Card Games

Card games are another popular highway driving game due to their portability and endless list of games you can play. Two popular card games include Old Maid and Crazy Eights. Find the rules for a few games online and spend some time teaching your kids play. You can make it more fun by keeping score and giving the winner a little prize at the next stop.

Twenty Questions

Twenty questions is an interesting game that can let your children's imagination run wild. One person thinks of something to be, and states whether she is a person, place or thing. Next, everyone else in the car gets twenty questions to find out who, where or what that person is. What makes it challenging is the fact that all questions must be answered with only a yes or no.

Tags: different types, your children, already have, cars different, cars different types