Friday, December 12, 2014

Transport A Hamster

Whether it's a short trip to the veterinarian, or a long trip across country to a new home, sometimes hamster owners have to travel with their pets. Hamsters are definitely homebodies, and too much stress can negatively affect their health. So it's important to keep the trip as stress-free as possible. You can make the trip less stressful for you and your pet by taking a few precautions.


1. Select a container that your hamster cannot chew through. Cardboard is not a good choice. You can purchase plastic containers at the pet store for longer trips. You can make your own by poking air holes in a large margarine tub for short trips.

2. Place unsoiled bedding from the hamsters cage in the container. The hamster will find the familiar smell comforting. You can also include a toy, but don't use one that might injure the hamster while it is being moved.

3. Pick up the hamster and place it in the cage. Close the lid firmly, so the hamster can't force it open. If you are using a margarine tub, tape the top closed, but be careful not to cover the air holes.

4. Bring along food and water if the trip will be longer than a few hours. Also bring along any medications your hamster may require.

Tags: your hamster