Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Take Care Of Your Pet Bunny

Rabbits need lots of attention and enrichment.

When thinking about caring for your pet rabbit, some of the things you need to take into consideration are your rabbit's basic needs. These include food, habitat, exercise, socialization, waste disposal and temperature requirements. All too often people get rabbits to put in hutches outdoors and then forget about them. Your bunny needs attention above all, so if you are not willing to make the commitment to a live animal, please don't get one. But if you are ready to devote your time and talents to caring for a bunny, make sure you provide him with all of his basic necessities.


1. Feed your bunny hay, rabbit pellets and vegetables once in the morning and once at night. You may also give him treats throughout the day. Rabbits like an assortment of veggies including romaine lettuce, spinach leaves, celery, bok choy, carrots (sparingly), and broccoli leaves. Rabbits also like fresh fruits such as strawberries, bananas and pineapples.

2. Rabbits are social animals who need stimulation to be happy.

Play with your bunny. The life of a bunny can be very boring and dull if he is not stimulated. Spend at least 30 minutes a day just petting and playing with him. Since bunnies are often shy and cautious creatures, this time will help develop a bond between the two of you. It will allow him to trust you more. Make sure you offer toys. They love unprocessed wood, paper, newspaper and empty paper towel rolls. Also, by giving them these items to chew, it will keep him away from your electrical cords.

3. Groom your bunny. However, unless your bunny is extremely dirty or has soiled itself, don't subject him to a a bath. If it is absolutely necessary, take a large basin and place a towel underneath so the bunny can have some traction. Fill it with 1 to 2 inches of warm water and slowly wet your bunny. He will try to jump out, but just keep reassuring him. Eventually he will calm down. Brush your bunny on a regular basis, clip his nails and take him to the vet to have his teeth clipped when necessary.

4. Take your bunny to the vet to be neutered or spayed. Every year, thousands of pets have to be put to sleep because they can't find a home and shelters are overcrowding. If you can, get your bunny a companion. They are best when they are paired. A neutered male and a spayed female is the optimal combination. Bunnies are gentle and lovable creatures.

Tags: your bunny, your bunny, your bunny, your rabbit