Monday, July 27, 2015

Animal Fundraising Ideas

Protect the rights of abandoned animals in your county or city.

Operating an animal shelter or increasing awareness about animal rights requires funding. From printing educational materials to training shelter workers, the cost of operating an animal shelter or a non-profit animal right's organization can quickly rise. Using effective fund raising ideas, you can bring in one-time or regular revenue for your organization.

Animal Walks

A dog walking event offers a great way for your animal shelter to raise funds. Organize a route along local trails or obtain a permit to hold the event along city streets. For a high participation rate, open the dog walking event to walkers with or without canine companions.

To minimize marketing and administrative costs, inquire about sponsorship from local businesses, other animal welfare organizations and charities, as well as local animal hospitals.

Golf Event

A sporting event such as a golf tournament offers an effective way to raise a considerable amount of money fast. You must partner with a local golf course and, when possible, obtain outside sponsorship from local vendors and sports related businesses. Sponsors can provide marketing for the event as well as donate chairs and other equipment.

During the event, you can raise money by charging participation fees as well as holding raffles and collecting a portion or all of the sales from food and beer vendors stationed at the event.

Sell Personalized Items

An easy to way to fund raise on a daily basis is to set up a small retail store inside your animal shelter. You can generate revenue selling t-shirts with the shelter's name or logo printed on the front or back, reproductions of animal prints and greeting cards with animal friendly messages. Partner with a printing company or have volunteers create the items using simple paint and construction paper for cards and decorated white T-shirts. You can also obtain materials from local businesses and sponsors.

Tags: animal shelter, from local, from local businesses, local businesses, sponsorship from, sponsorship from local