Friday, July 31, 2015

What Does Perseverance Mean To A Person

Long distance runners require perseverance.

Perseverance is defined by as "steady persistence in a course of action." This word does not necessarily always have a positive connotation, however. You can persevere in misguided or harmful activities as well as positive ones.


The most common definition of perseverance is "steady persistence in a course of action, purpose or state especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles or discouragement," according to In other words, to persevere is to continue to do or think something even though it is challenging.

Theological Definition

In the context of Christianity, perseverance means continuance in a state of grace to the end. Perseverance leads to eternal salvation.


The word perseverance is often applied to athletes. For example, marathon runners require perseverance. They need to keep running even though they are tired and their muscles ache. Perseverance can be applied to students who continue to study even though they would like to be hanging out with their friends or watching television. Perseverance can also be negative, though. For example, you can persevere with playing golf in a thunderstorm, even though you may get struck by lightening.

Tags: even though, course action, even though they, persistence course, persistence course action, require perseverance, runners require