Monday, August 3, 2015

Adopt A Whale

Every year many species are pushed to or are beyond the brink of extinction. Wildlife organizations save many of these endangered animals. A popular program by which these organizations raise money is through adoptions. For instance, you can adopt a whale to help preserve an endangered species. Find out adopt a whale and help save such a beautiful creature.


1. Choose from which organization you wish to adopt a whale. Many wildlife foundations and organizations offer adopt a whale programs such as Save the Whales Organization or the World Animal Foundation.

2. Visit the website of the organization you have chosen and download an adoption form, or contact the organization and have an adopt a whale kit mailed to your home.

3. Pick the type of whale you wish to adopt. In some cases, you can choose between a fin whale or humpback whale. You can also choose to adopt an orca.

4. Select how many whales you wish to adopt. You can choose to adopt more than one whale. Some forms even allow you to choose the sex of the whale. You can also name your whale.

5. Remit the required donation along with the completed adoption form to the organization. If the adoption is a gift, indicate so on the form and the organization mails the information to the recipient of the gift.

6. Renew the adoption certificate every year by sending in the required donation amount.

Tags: adopt whale, wish adopt, adopt whale, adopt whale help, adoption form, choose adopt, form organization