Monday, August 3, 2015

Help At Risk Children

At Risk Children

At risk children need our help and there are several ways we can help. The best way, of course, is to spend time with them. Time is more valuable than money. However, if you can't or don't want to spend time, you can give money. I do both, but mostly I spend time. For the past 6 years I've been mentoring at risk children.


1. To get involved with at risk children you go to non-profit organizations and church's. These are the two types of organizations that have programs for kids in the inner city. I chose the church because I know that God is the only One who can really help them.

If they can come to the point that they have a personal relationship with Christ they will be changed forever. I have also worked with non-profits, but prefer the church.

2. You may want to know what types of activities to do when you spend time with at risk children. The good thing is that they're usually desperate for attention and are open to about anything. You don't necessarily need to spend money, you can take them to the park and there's always free events like track meets, boys and girls clubs, community centers etc.

One thing you need to know is that before you have one on one time with any of the kids it's best to get to know them in a group setting first. Trust me, it takes time to get to know them. They may reject you at first by cussing, hitting, pushing and fighting because this is all they know. In their environment the only way to handle anything is to show aggression and is a survival tactic.

3. One of the best ways to help at risk children is to go door to door where they live and meet the family. Once you do that you'll know why they're the way they are. When you see how they have to live and what they see and listen to on a daily basis you will have an aha moment.

After you do this a while you will know if it's something you're cut out for and if it's your calling. Don't let them scare you off, after they get to know you and trust you that's when you can actually make a difference in their lives and yours too.

4. To help at risk children you will need patience, love, compassion, persistence and you will need to be thick skinned. If you're a serious Christian you'll be able to hang in there and they will see the love of Christ in you and that's when you will be a difference maker.

You won't be able to do it in your own strength, but with God all things are possible. Don't give up on them, keep going back and you will begin to see the fruit of your labor.

Tags: spend time, risk children, time with, help risk, know that, know them, risk children