Thursday, August 27, 2015

Find A Pet Lemur

Lemurs are cute, intelligent and full of energy.

Like most primates, lemurs are cute, intelligent and full of energy. Anyone who sees one wants to have one as a pet. The problem most people have is they simply don't know where to find the little primates.


1. Going to Madagascar would be the most obvious way to find a pet lemur. Lemurs are natives of the African island, and spend their days playing in the trees. The problem with going to Madagascar to find a pet lemur is that it isn't advisable. The number of lemurs living in the wild has been rapidly decreasing, forcing the African government to place lemurs on the endangered-species list. The capture of the small primate is heavily frowned on, and even if you were able to convince the African government to allow you to catch a pet lemur, you would find it extremely difficult to bring your new pet home. The United States has several rules and regulations regarding the importation of wild animals into the country. The reason these regulations are in place to help prevent the spread of foreign diseases that could have a devastating effect on the animals that call the U.S. home.

2. Legally, the best way to find a pet lemur is to contact a breeder. Lemur breeders can be found online or at exotic pet shows and sales.

3. Save your money. Purchasing a lemur is an expensive undertaking. The average breeder charges from $1,000 to $5,000, and that's just the cost of the lemur; it doesn't include a cage, bedding, food and veterinary care.

4. Make sure the lemur you are about to purchase was hand-raised and born in captivity. Lemurs raised under these circumstances are more likely to trust their human caretakers and are generally easier to train.

5. Make sure that you are legally allowed to keep a lemur in your home. The best places to learn about any restrictions regarding the keeping of lemurs as pets is your state's Department of Agriculture or your county cooperative extension office.

6. Part of being a responsible lemur owner is knowing as much as possible about his dietary needs. Although pets lemurs occasionally eat insects and small bits of meat, their main diet should consist of fresh fruits, leaves and vegetables.

7. Choose a male lemur. Lemurs are one of the few species in which the male is consistently more submissive than the female. The submissive nature of the male will make him easier to train.

Tags: find lemur, African government, cute intelligent, cute intelligent full, easier train, full energy