Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Donate Natural Balance To Charity

Dick Van Patten's Natural Balance pet foods makes it easy for pet owners to donate to charity through their charity rebate program. While you can just donate the actual pet food to a animal shelter or rescue organization, it may be just as easy to donate through the charity rebate program. Through the Natural Balance charity rebate program, your proof of purchases of Dick Van Patten's Natural Balance pet foods allows an animal organization of your choice to get a check from Dick Van Patten's Natural Balance company. This is true for both the cat and dog products from Natural Balance.


1. Use scissors to cut out the UPC code on your Natural Balance product. This includes the Natural Balance bagged food, a case of canned food, the 2.5-pound or 4-pound roll.

2. Attach the cut-out UPC code to your register receipt that has the purchase of the Natural Balance product on it.

3. Take your UPC codes and register receipts to a local veterinarian or charity. Once the organization collects a total of 50 of the UPC codes and receipts, they can be cashed in through Natural Balance by sending them to Natural Balance, Attn: Vicki Wingo, PO Box 900950, San Diego, CA 92190-0950.

Tags: Natural Balance, charity rebate, charity rebate program, Dick Patten, Dick Patten Natural, Patten Natural