Monday, May 25, 2015

Pottytrain Or Housebreak A Stubborn Dog

Housebreaking a stubborn dog can be a tedious process.

Potty training puppies can be a difficult process if you've got a stubborn animal. While the process may be frustrating, it is important to remain calm and focused on your goal. Hitting or yelling at your puppy when they go in your house can often have an adverse affect, as it can make your dog fearful of you and less apt to follow your advice.


1. Keep your stubborn dog in a small, confined area, according to Daily Puppy. An area with hardwood or tile floors will work best, as it's easier to clean up the mess here if your puppy has an accident. With your puppy in a small area, you'll be better able to keep an eye on it.

2. Watch your stubborn dog at all times, as catching them in the midst of an accident is the only way to get through to him. When you see your puppy squat or otherwise indicate that it is going to have an accident, immediately say "No!" and bring the animal outside. Repeat this process every time you see your puppy have an accident.

3. Determine a good motivator for your puppy. Some dogs like treats, while others may prefer to have a game of fetch with their favorite ball or toy. Whenever your puppy goes outside, give him a treat or other reward to show him you're happy with him and he'll begin to correlate his actions with your praise.

4. Take your dog outdoors for long periods of time to help transition from having accidents to intentionally going outside. While outside, praise your stubborn dog whenever he does his business, letting him know how happy you are that he is going outside.

5. Be patient. Training a stubborn dog requires patience and a stick-with-it attitude. Though watching your dog constantly and cleaning up is a tedious and difficult task, it's necessary if you want to housebreak your dog. If you're not consistent, your dog will not be sure exactly what you're looking for from him.

Tags: your puppy, your stubborn, going outside, have accident, that going