Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Best Way To Get Rid Of Fleas On Dogs

Fleas can infest your dog by feeding on the blood of the host. They lay eggs that will continue to live within your dog's hair, making your pet itch and scratch. If left untreated, fleas can cause your dog great discomfort. One of the best ways to get rid of fleas is to start outside your home and work your way inside, including treating your pet.


1. Take your dog to the veterinarian for an exam. Your veterinarian will recommend flea products for your dog. Common medications include Frontline and Advantage, and they're usually applied monthly.

2. Groom your dog daily. Use a flea comb to help remove adult fleas. Bathe your dog up to two times a month with a flea shampoo. To kill adult fleas on your pet immediately, apply a flea dip. A flea shampoo, dip, and comb are usually available at your local pet shop or pet clinic.

3. Clean your home. To get rid of fleas on your dog for good, you will also need to make sure that the inside of your home is clear of them. Vacuum floors, especially carpets, daily. Make sure to vacuum under furniture where adult fleas may try to hide. Wash your pet's bedding or throw it out. Wash bedding in warm to hot water with mild detergent.

4. Spray a flea killer inside and outside your home. Use a safe flea killer such as IG Regulator. This type of killer is safe for pets and children even after you have applied it to your carpet and outside shrubbery, trees and lawn.

Tags: your home, adult fleas, flea killer, flea shampoo, fleas your, outside your, outside your home