Thursday, May 28, 2015

Make Free A Animal Banner Link For Your Own Sites

Offering site visitors a free linkable version of your animal banner is simple, easy, and fast. The method to do this will let your site visitors quickly copy and paste the necessary code for their own websites to have your animal banner. So long as you know a little bit of html mark up language, you can do this in minutes. Whether you're offering the banner for a veterinarian clinic, an animal store, or because you like animals, the mark up will all be nearly identical.



1. Open your Content Management System or html editor.

2. Near the code that presents the animal banner on your website, open a new text tag, such as "" for paragraphs, and write that you wish to offer a free, linkable version of your banner to site visitors.

3. Close the text tag. If you used "", close it by writing "


4. Open a new text tag, such as "" and write that a site visitor can simply copy and paste the following html code into their own website in order to have a linkable, free version of the animal banner on their site.

5. Close that tag and open another with the code tag, "" which indicates to the site visitor that the following information is html code for them to copy and paste.

6. Open a paragraph tag, "" and a link tag, "". Inside the link tag insert the url to your site.

7. Open an image tag, "" and insert the location of your banner. For example, for a site at (, where the banner "cats.gif" is located at (, the html code will look like this: "."

8. Close the link, paragraph, and code tags so that the end of the code looks like this:

Tags: animal banner, copy paste, html code, site visitors, free linkable