Thursday, November 19, 2015

Make An Animal First Aid Kit

Prepare for disasters and accidents by having an animal first aid kit handy.

If you don't have the proper supplies handy, an accident or unexpected illness could mean permanent damage, infection or death for your pet. It is important that owners equip themselves with first aid kits for their animals and have access to the kit at all times.


1. Choose a container to hold your pet's first aid kit. A plastic storage box, shoe box or tackle box will do.

2. Gather the necessary supplies for treating cuts or open wounds and place them in a plastic bag. These should include sterile gauze pads, gauze bandage rolls, medical tape, antibacterial ointment for cuts and scrapes, hydrogen peroxide to clean wounds, antiseptic wipes, and thin rope and splint materials (a wooden ruler will do). Medications made specifically for animals, such as an anti-itch or hydrocortisone spray for hot spots, should be included, as well.

3. Take another zip-close bag and fill it with tools like tweezers, scissors, an eye dropper, a thermometer, latex gloves, leather gloves to protect from bites, and cotton swabs.

4. Include other miscellaneous items like a leash, mineral oil, Pepto-Bismol, eyewash, and an updated pet first aid book for reference.
