Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Get A Petpetpet On Neopets

Mootix Petpetpet

In the online interactive world of Neopets, petpetpets are the tiny, insect-like pets, and sometimes parasites, that belong to your Neopet's petpet. Petpetpets are considered to be some of the rarest creatures in Neopia and are often seen as a status symbol for those lucky enough to have found one.


1. Acquire a petpet for your Neopet. Check if a petpet is up for auction at the auction house, buy one from a shop or get one through a random event in the game. Be aware that if you're planning to buy your Neopet a petpet you will need to have quite a bit of Neopoints saved up in order to afford it. There is no set price for petpets, as they vary in price according to species.

2. Check inside the mouth of your Neopet's petpet. This is the most common place to find a petpetpet.

3. Buy a petpetpet from another user. Because petpetpets are so rare, if you do find a user who is willing to part with one, be prepared to pay quite a bit of Neopoints.

4. Breed your own petpetpets. Once you've found a petpetpet, you can find another user with a petpetpet of the same species and put them in a cage to breed. Your petpetpets will lay one egg per breeding session. After you have bred enough petpetpets for yourself, you may consider breeding them and selling them to other users for Neopoints.

5. Attach your petpetpet to your petpet. To attach your new petpetpet you must first be sure that you have the Neopet and petpet you want the petpetpet attached to selected as your active pet. Move the petpetpet to your inventory page that displays all of your items. Keep refreshing that inventory page until the petpetpet attaches itself to your petpet. Attachment of the petpetpet is done randomly so you may have to refresh your inventory page quite a few times before the attachment is completed.

Tags: Neopet petpet, your Neopet, inventory page, your Neopet petpet, another user, petpetpet your