Trap Armadillos
Armadillos can be a real problem if they get invade your landscaped yard or garden. Because these animals root around in the ground to find their food, they can destroy a yard in no time flat. Not to mention the fact that they can carry rabies and potentially be a danger to small children and family pets. There are humane ways to trap armadillos. In fact, you can be rid of these unsightly creatures in a fairly short period of time. Does this Spark an idea?
1. Contact your state Fish and Game Agency. Learn whether trapping an armadillo is legal or not. In many states, it is illegal to trap an armadillo in one location and then set it free in another. Your state may have rules requiring you to euthanize the armadillo after it has been trapped.
2. Choose an appropriate live trap. Purchase a trap that is appropriate for larger animals. An armadillo will avoid a trap he can easily see.
3. Watch from a porch or other safe location to determine its path. Also, be on the look out for where its burrow are located.
4. Do not place bait inside a live trap. Armadillos will rarely enter a trap because of bait that has been laid out.
5. Place the trap in the path that the armadillo usually travels. Locate the creature's burrows and then capture it by placing the trap directly in front of the burrow.
6. Line the bottom of the live trap with a soft thick coating of soft black dirt. The more dark and inviting the inside of your live trap is, the more likely the armadillo will venture inside it.
7. Lay wooden boards, fencing, rocks, or concrete blocks down on the ground to form a blockade and directional path along the route the armadillo usually takes. The idea is to corral it, and force it to walk into the trap. Armadillos have poor eye sight and are not exceedingly smart, so if you can direct them along their normal path to the trap, they will enter.
8. Relocate or euthanize the armadillo according to local laws. Visit the resource below for more information on armadillos and their habits.
Tags: live trap, armadillo usually, armadillo will, euthanize armadillo, trap Armadillos