Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Adopt Toy Yorkies

Toy Yorkies are bright and affectionate dogs.

Yorkshire Terriers, also known as Yorkies, are small, long-haired terriers that can weigh 7 to 10 pounds and range in size from 5 to 7 inches. Yorkies come in three sizes: standard (the normal size), miniature (smaller) and toy (smallest). Like all dogs, some Yorkies find themselves in tough positions with people who can't or won't take care of them. These Yorkies sometimes end up in a rescue, adoption or shelter system, where they are checked for health and can be adopted into responsible, loving homes. If you are looking to adopt or purchase a new dog, Yorkies are a good choice.


1. Ready your house and family for a Toy Yorkie. These are small dogs with big personalities, and need some standard dog supplies. Buy a dog crate, blankets, toys, high-quality small-breed dog food, and a leash and collar. Also prepare yourself by purchasing books about training the breed.

2. Search for Yorkie rescue and adoption organizations in the phone book. Select several organizations and look through their dogs to find Toy Yorkies that interest you. Look specifically for Toy Yorkies that are available nearby, as visiting the dog in person will give you a better idea of his personality.

3. Fill out contact forms online, or call the organizations with Toy Yorkies that interest you. Most rescue organizations have a standard adoption procedure and application they will walk you through.

Tags: Yorkies that, rescue adoption, that interest, Yorkies that interest