Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Make A Webkinz Sick

Even virtual pets get sick.

Webkinz are stuffed animals children can connect to the Internet to learn and play with. Once a Webkinz pet is activated, children are given the responsibility of caring for their pet, and can check in on the computer to find out how their pet is feeling. Similar to actual pets, Webkinz pets can contract diseases and get sick if they aren't properly cared for.


1. Feed your Webkinz pet unhealthy food, which is one of the easiest ways to make it sick. Even though your Webkinz pet is virtual, it needs to eat appropriate food to maintain its "health status."

2. Exercise your pet only rarely. Regular exercise is essential to keeping it healthy. If you don't log in to play with and exercise your pet regularly, it will get sick. Even if you can't afford to buy exercise equipment for your pet, you can take him to the Webkinz clubhouse for free.

3. Let your pet stay up late, preventing it from getting adequate sleep. Lack of sleep can lower your pet's health meter. A low health meter will make your pet more susceptible to sickness.

4. Ignore your Webkinz pet, which will make it depressed. A depressed pet's health meter will be lower, which will eventually lead to your pet getting sick.

Tags: health meter, your Webkinz, health meter will, meter will, play with