Thursday, October 1, 2015

Information On A Pitbull Puppy

A pitbull puppy plays outdoors.

The pitbull is a well-loved but often misunderstood breed. Despite the bad press that this breed occasionally garners, a pitbull puppy can be a wonderful addition to your home and family as a steadfast, loyal companion.


The term "pitbull" does not refer to a specific breed, but rather several breeds. Usually it refers to dogs of the breeds known as American Pit Bull Terriers, American Staffordshire Terriers and Staffordshire Bull Terriers, or a mix thereof.


This breed type originated to have a competitive advantage in the outmoded sports of bear and bull baiting. Pitbulls were bred to be able to attack and withstand attacks from these much larger animals.


Even as puppies, pitbulls are resilient and determined. They can be obstinate in their training, refusing to complete a task unless they know a reward is at hand. They are extremely sensitive and are psychologically delicate dogs.


Pitbull puppies, as well as fully grown dogs, are full of energy. They need ample exercise, sometimes in excess of two hours a day.

Expert Insight

The American Kennel Club's "Complete Dog Book" states that dogs of this breed are docile and have so many good qualities it would "be difficult for anyone to overstress them."

Tags: Bull Terriers, this breed