Monday, October 5, 2015

Predict The Size Of Toy Poodle Puppies

Toy poodles are popular as both lap dogs and family pets.

Toy poodles are a very popular pet due to their small size, remarkable intelligence and loyal personalities. Toy poodles vary greatly in color and size, ranging from 5 to 9 lbs. and 7 to 10 inches tall. Toy poodles are often bred with other toy breeds to create combinations such as Yorkiepoos and Cockapoos. Whether your puppy is purebred or mixed between two toy breeds, it is possible to estimate her adult size fairly accurately.


1. Find out the height and weight of the mother and father of your puppy. For purebred dogs or mixed toy breeds, your puppy should grow to be somewhere between the size of his parents. Male puppies will be closer to their father's size, and female puppies will be closer to their mother's size.

2. Research the size averages of your puppy's breed or breeds. Compare your puppy to litter mates or other puppies of a similar age. The comparative size of its paws and head give a good indication of its adult size. Puppies with larger heads and paws will be larger adults.

3. Estimate adult size based on your puppy’s current age, height, and weight. At 2 1/2 months old, a puppy is about 25 percent of its adult weight. At four months, it is around 50 percent of its adult weight, and at six months, it is about 75 percent of its adult size. Your puppy will generally be at its adult height and weight around 11 to 12 months of age.

Tags: your puppy, adult size, height weight, percent adult, about percent, about percent adult, adult weight