Thursday, October 15, 2015

Change A Pet Name In Wow

The "Certificate of Ownership" is a scroll in WoW that can change the name of a hunter's pet in the game. The certificate only works with hunter pets; you cannot change the names of companion or warlock pets. The Wrath of the Lich King expansion, which released and introduced the Inscription profession, also marked the introduction of the "Certificate of Ownership."


Buying the scroll from the auction house

1. In the game, go to one of your faction cities, and go to the auction house within the city.

2. Type in the search bar, "Certificate of Ownership," and hit the "Enter" key.

3. A list of "Certificates of Ownership" should appear if players are selling any. Purchase the one you want. You can also purchase more than one if you think you may have a need for them in the future or for other pets.

4. Go to the closest in-game mailbox, and remove the certificate so that it appears in your inventory.

5. Call the pet whose name you want to change.

6. Right click on the "Certificate of Ownership." This will cause it to disappear from your inventory.

7. Click on your pet to show its health bar, then right click on the health bar to show the list of options and choose "Rename."

Crafting the scroll yourself

8. Announce in the trade channel in one of your faction's cities that you are looking for an Inscriptionist. If you are an Inscriptionist, you obviously do not need to find one. In this case, check your Inscription profession window to see if you are able to craft a "Certificate of Ownership." The design to craft the certificate can be found at any Inscription trainer and requires a minimum Inscription level of 200.

9. Purchase the materials to craft your certificate when you find someone to craft it or find that you can craft the certificate yourself. The materials to create the "Certificate of Ownership" are two Celestial Inks and one Common Parchment. Purchase the Common Parchment at a Trade Goods vendor.

10. Acquire more materials to craft the two Celestial Inks. The raw materials for any Inscription ink are herbs. If you are an Herbalist, you can pick them yourself; if not, you will have to buy them from the auction house or another player. The herbs that can create Celestial Ink are Blindweed, Arthas' Tear, Firebloom, Purple Lotus, Gromsblood, Ghost Mushroom and Sungrass. Pick these herbs in areas that are suited for characters in the mid-40 to low-50 levels.

11. You must have at least five of any one type of the herbs from Step 3 to "mill" pigments (pigments create the ink), and since Celestial Ink requires two Violet pigments, you need to "mill," or have the Inscriptionist "mill," at least 10 herbs (two stacks of five herbs of any one type of herb from Step 3).

12. Meet with the Inscriptionist after you have gathered all the raw materials, and give him the materials. When he's done, he will trade it back to you. If you are an Inscriptionist, open the Inscription window, and choose to create the "Certificate of Ownership."

13. Call the pet whose name you want to change, and click on the "Certificate of Ownership" in your inventory. This will cause the certificate to disappear.

14. Click on your pet to show its health bar, and then right click on the health bar to show the list of options.

15. Choose to "Rename" your pet.

Tags: Certificate Ownership, auction house, your inventory, Call whose, Call whose name, Celestial Inks, click Certificate