The house cat is the most popular pet in the world. Cats are lap pets and like to be petted. But be careful when you adopt a cat. It might not be a perfect addition to the family.
Not all shelters spay or neuter cats. Adopting a cat that has not been neutered might leave you trying to find homes for a large litter of kittens. Also, neutered cats are often happier.
Kittens require attention and supervision. They can be very active and even destructive. Kittens also have a weak immune system and might get sick, and the first years of their lives might be medically expensive.
Cats are very fickle. You cannot mold or change their personalities. Cats might live for 15 to 20 years, so it is important a cat and its owner get along.
Other Household Pets
If there is a dog, fish or another cat already at home, adopting a cat might not be a wise decision. The adopted cat might not get along with other pets.
Past Abuse
Some adopted cats might have had an abusive or neglected past. They might not adapt to a new home. Cats tend to like routine, not change.