Monday, January 12, 2015

Legally Own A Pet Skunk

While a skunk may be a curious choice for a pet, many exotic pet enthusiasts actually rave about this animal's intelligence, friendliness and willingness to be trained. The trick, of course, is to have the scent glands removed at an early age and to check with your local wildlife commission to find out whether you can legally own a skunk.


1. Contact your local wildlife commission or animal-control authority about legally owning a pet skunk. The ability to obtain an exotic pet permit for a skunk will depend on the amount of rabies incidents reported in the area and whether or not the skunk has been raised in captivity by a breeder. It may be difficult or unlikely to secure a permit for a wild skunk.

2. Locate a reputable skunk breeder in your area who raises scent-free animals that have been raised and handled by humans since the age of weaning. Skunks from experienced breeders tend to be more friendly, outgoing and responsive to their owners as they mature. Some breeders may even offer pet skunks that have been trained to use a litter box.

3. Find a veterinarian who will handle skunks before you try to own one legally. Many vets may shy away from treating skunks for obvious reasons, even after the scent glands have been surgically removed. However, an experienced vet is your best defense against the likelihood of rabies or distemper, which can be common in skunks that have not been raised by a breeder.

4. Supervise your pet skunk whenever you take it out of its cage to play or explore. Skunks can be very destructive and are notorious thieves. A skunk can also move very quickly, and if you allow your skunk to escape outside, you will probably never see it again.

5. Be sensitive to your neighbors when you decide to own a skunk legally. Let them know that the skunk has had its scent glands removed and show that it has received the proper vaccinations for distemper and rabies. Many people feel nervous and agitated when a skunk is near, so it's your responsibility to show how playful and friendly a skunk can be.

Tags: have been, been raised, scent glands, that have, that have been, glands removed