Monday, June 22, 2015

Register For A Dog Show In Sims

Real-Life Dog Show Winner

The expansion packages "The Sims: Unleashed" and "The Sims 2: Pets" allow sims to have pets. You can choose from popular dog breeds to choose from or design your own dog. You can choose characteristics such as levels of friendliness, neatness and smartness for each dog. A dog, like a human sim, has needs you must meet, such as eating and sleeping.

A human sim can enter his dog in a dog show. A well-prepared, happy dog can win prizes.



1. Prepare your dog for the show. An unhappy dog won't win. Each of the dog's need meters should be green. Sim animals can't be controlled directly by the player. The player has to instruct the sim human to tell a pet to eat and take a bath. (Tips that can help your sim dog win are listed below.)

2. Take the dog to an Old Town location with a pet judging station (look for the white paw). A pet judge will approach and ask if the sim would like to enter the dog in a pet show. Click to accept.

3. Click on the pet judging station to start the show. The dog will move into place and the show will begin. No special registration for the pet show is needed.

Tags: choose from, enter show, judging station, show will