Wednesday, June 3, 2015

What Do Wild Baby Turtles Eat

Baby turtles in the wild get their needed nutrition from a varied diet.

In the wild, baby turtles enjoy a healthy, varied diet. Most turtles are omnivores, meaning they eat both plant materials and meat. Protein is essential to baby turtles, thus most young turtles eat mostly meat, and add plant matter to their diets as they age.


Wild baby turtles get much of their needed protein from small insects, snails and worms.


Vegetables and plants are an essential part of the wild turtle diet. Turtles are able to eat poisonous plants without being affected, and sometimes do so to ward off predators.


Wild turtles that live in or near water frequently feast on small fish. These turtles are able to swim and catch tiny fish, which contain beneficial amounts of protein.

Dead Animals

Since turtles spend a lot of time walking around close to the ground, they come across dead animals. Wild turtles use these animals as a food source when fresh prey is not readily available.


Although strongly scented, flowers such as roses and geraniums make appealing food sources for wild turtles.

Tags: baby turtles, their needed, varied diet