Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Buy Alligators

An alligator may seem like an exciting exotic pet to own, but a full grown alligator is very difficult to care for because of the large size and unpredictable temperament. Alligators are wild animals and should only be owned by experienced reptile handlers.


1. Obtain the proper permits required to own an exotic animal. Check with your local authority to learn the related laws. Owning an alligator without a permit is illegal and can result in large fines and jail time if you are caught.

2. Understand that an alligator is a wild animal and no matter how much handling it has, it will never be completely tame. You can't take away an alligator's wild instincts.

3. Prepare the enclosure before you bring the alligator home. Remember that alligators grow rapidly and will need a very large habitat when fully grown. Housing an adult alligator is very expensive.

4. Ensure that you are prepared to feed your alligator the proper diet, including whole prey. A good diet includes a variety or different meats. Check with your veterinarian for recommendations on the proper foods for your alligator.

5. Buy your alligator from a reputable breeder to ensure he is in good health. Make sure your alligator is alert; a lethargic alligator is be a warning sign of potential health problems.

6. Handle your young alligator frequently to get him accustomed to you. An alligator that gets used to being handled when he is young is less likely to bite out of fear. Always be cautious when holding your alligator.

Tags: your alligator, alligator very, alligator wild, Check with, Check with your