Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Rescue A Sugar Glider

Animals all over the country are in danger and need to be rescued, and the sugar glider is no exception. Many of these small animals need your help in being adopted and rehabilitated. Following these steps, you can help out the animal population by learning rescue a sugar glider and make it as your own.


Rescue a Sugar Glider

1. Determine whether your home is right for sugar gliders. Sugar gliders are exotic pets that aren’t right for everyone. Before you decide to rescue one, determine if a sugar glider is the appropriate pet for you. Sugar gliders have lots of energy and need attention, so make sure your household is a good candidate to rescue a sugar glider.

2. Get food ready. Sugar gliders eat a variety of insects. So when you rescue one, you must be prepared to feed it similar things such as mealworms and crickets. You can also feed a rescued sugar glider fresh fruit and plenty of water.

3. Make room for a cage. A typical cage for a sugar glider is over five feet tall. You must make sure you can fit a cage before you rescue a sugar glider.

4. Find out if they are legal to own in your area. Having a rescued sugar glider as a pet is illegal in several states, so make sure that rescuing one is even allowed before you bring it home. If not, find out if you can make a donation instead to help a rescued sugar glider.

5. Find a rescue site. There are several listings for sugar glider rescues online and many sugar gliders that are in need of rescuing. Look for a location near to you where you can rescue the animal through adoption.

6. Care for your rescued sugar glider. The reason so many sugar gliders need to be rescued is due to people not being able to care for them. Take good care of your rescued sugar glider.

Tags: sugar glider, rescued sugar, rescued sugar glider, make sure, your rescued sugar, glider Find, many sugar