Pygmy goats can make for fun, interesting and entertaining pets. The following guide will highlight the basics of pygmy goat care.
Take Care Of Pygmy Goats
1. Set up a proper housing area. Pygmy goats should have at least a 20 by 20 foot fenced area. The fencing should be at least 5 feet high to keep out dogs as well as to keep the goats in. For one or two pygmies, a dog house will make an adequate shelter, however, a larger shelter would be ideal and is a must if breeding the doe or adding additional goats.
2. Feed your pygmy goats alfalfa twice a day. You should fortify the alfalfa feed with grain. Fortified grain can be purchased at most feed stores. This is normally a mix consisting of six parts rolled barley, four parts rolled oats, two parts rolled corn and two parts soybean pellets.
3. Give your goats access to fresh water. You can use a bucket or purchase an automatic water dispenser for livestock. Whichever route you take, the water should be checked and changed daily.
4. Deworm your goats. Goats over six months old should be dewormed at least once a year. You can purchase liquid wormers or injections at your local farm supply store. For a fee, a veterinarian who specializes in livestock can deworm your goats for you.
5. Brush your pygmy goat's coat from time to time to remove any insects that might be trying to make a home there. You can purchase a firm or wire bristled brush from your local farm supply store. If you introduce them to bathing at a young age, your goats will happily tolerate the occasional bath as well.
Tags: your goats, parts rolled, Care Pygmy, Care Pygmy Goats, farm supply