Monday, September 15, 2014

Canine Lymphoma Chemotherapy Cost

Generally, chemotherapy treatments cost less for small than large dogs.

Canine lymphoma generally results in eventual death, according to Purdue University. Chemotherapy helps many dogs achieve some form of remission. Remission means the cancer decreases partially or to an undetectable level. Remission times vary from weeks to months. A relapse of the cancer requires more treatment and generally a shorter remission time. Eventually, chemotherapy can no longer control the cancer for most dogs.


Veterinarians use different drug protocols. The protocols consist of varying factors, such as type and combination of drugs, amount of drugs given, and the length and frequency of treatment. Chemotherapy cost depends on the protocol and individual drugs used for treatment. According to the University of Illinois, chemotherapy usually continues for the life of the dog.


Your dog's body weight impacts the cost of medication directly, according to Purdue University. Dosage amounts for most drugs rely on weight, and the cost depends on the dosage used.


Sometimes a dog responds poorly to one protocol, requiring a change in the type of drug. Veterinary offices often purchase drugs in packages with multiple doses, not individual doses, for each dog. Therefore, you pay for the entire package even if the veterinarian discontinues the medication.


Costs for chemotherapy for lymphoma include more than drug costs. Other costs include administration of the drugs by your veterinarian, support medications to control symptoms, and testing and continued diagnosis of the lymphoma. According to the National Canine Cancer Foundation, three to six months of chemotherapy treatment for cancer varies from several hundred to several thousand dollars.


The prognosis varies depending on your dog's overall health, age, protocol and cancer stage. Without treatment, most dogs live less than three months.

Tags: according Purdue, according Purdue University, cost depends, most dogs, Purdue University