Also known as the Pyrenean Mountain Dog, Great Pyrenees are large, strong animals. These loyal and well behaved dogs make excellent guard dogs. They are protective of their owners, but generally don't get along well with strangers. Their coat requires lots of attention, needing a general grooming at least twice per week. A more thorough grooming is needed every 4 to 6 weeks.
1. Remove as much of the shed hair from the dog's coat as you can before bathing. Use a pin brush and metal combs to get rid of most of the hair. Wide combs and mat rakes may also be necessary, depending on the condition of the coat.
2. Remove clumped or knotted patches of the coat with thinning shears. This dog has a double coat with a very thick undercoat which you must keep well maintained.
3. Use scissors to trim the hair around the anus. The top coat of this breed is very long and may collect fecal matter and other grime.
4. Bathe your Great Pyrenees. Give the dog a final rinse after bathing by mixing two quarts of water and three to four drops of liquid bluing agent that people generally use for laundry. This mixture helps lighten the dog's coat a bit.
5. Give the dog another comb out after the bath using a slicker brush.
Tags: Great Pyrenees, coat with